Consolidated CDA (Sequoia) - Templates
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Templates (External repositories)

Warning Ok
US Realm Address (AD.US.FIELDED)
History (1)
2024-03-04 11:19:44Kai HeitmannDraftversion
Issues (4)
Change Request Status = Closed (ccda-issue-156): Erratum-1355 Modify US Realm Address template so nullFlavor at root level overrides SHALL requirements below.
TypeChange RequestStatusChange Request Status = Closed PriorityNormal
Tracking / Status = Closed 2017-10-30 22:16:12: Tracking by Lisa Nelson
Assignment2017-10-27 18:44:06: Assigned To Didi Davis by Lisa Nelson
Tracking / Status = Feedback needed 2017-10-27 18:43:53: Tracking by Lisa Nelson
I reviewed the US Realm Header to see what changes I needed to make there, and I couldn't determine what else I needed to modify in the US Realm Header.  However, I did notice that the use/reference to the US Realm Patient Name template is accomplished with a "contains" and the use/reference to US Realm Address template is accomplished with an "include". Why are the patterns different and what is the difference between a contains and an include?
Tracking / Status = Feedback needed 2017-10-27 18:30:17: Tracking by Lisa Nelson
I was able to add the addr element and the nullFlavor attribute. I also added the schematron assertion. However, I am not sure how the schematron's on the SHOULD elements factor in.  Not sure how to think about the right way to form the logic of the schematron test.  Is it enough to only take the two SHALL elements into consideration or do I also need logic that accounts for the other elements that are SHOULDs?
Assignment2017-10-13 22:51:57: Assigned To Lisa Nelson by Lisa Nelson
Reference #157 same issue but on patient name.
Tracking / Status = Feedback needed 2017-10-12 21:21:20: Tracking by Lisa Nelson
Assignment2017-09-30 19:07:10: Assigned To dr Kai U. Heitmann by Lisa Nelson
Conditional Conformance
Assignment2017-09-29 20:47:49: Assigned To Lisa Nelson by Lisa Nelson
Assignment2017-09-29 20:45:57: Assigned To Didi Davis by Lisa Nelson
Assignment2017-09-28 21:46:05: Assigned To Lisa Nelson by Lisa Nelson
Tracking / Status = Open 2017-09-28 21:46:04: Tracking by Lisa Nelson

- Modify US Realm Address template so nullFlavor at root level overrides SHALL requirements below.


-Prior Conformance:

-Conformance After Update:

Will add guidance that nullFlavor on root element removes the requirement to include the other SHALL statements. Will apply here:

*US Realm Address (AD.US.FIELDED) 

*US Realm Patient Name (PTN.US.FIELDED)

Will follow pattern from section level - 'If section/@nullFlavor is not present'. 

Further explanation:

- Errata 1355 was approved on 9/28 in SDWG and voted to be included in the R2.1 errata package.

Change Request Status = Closed (ccda-issue-159): Erratum-814 Conditional Value Set Binding for US Realm Address
TypeChange RequestStatusChange Request Status = Closed PriorityNormal
Current Labels
 (COND) Conditional Conformance 
Tracking / Status = Closed 2017-10-16 16:06:12: Tracking by Lisa Nelson
Tracking / Status = Feedback needed 2017-10-12 21:22:34: Tracking by Lisa Nelson
Assignment2017-09-29 20:32:57: Assigned To dr Kai U. Heitmann by Lisa Nelson
Tracking / Status = Open 2017-09-29 20:32:48: Tracking by Lisa Nelson
Conditional logic.
Tracking / Status = Open 2017-09-29 17:01:24: Tracking by Lisa Nelson

-Conditional Value Set Binding for US Realm Address

Merge 7293 with existing primiative 10024 and state if US, then SHALL value set binding 


-Prior Conformance:
3. SHOULD contain zero or one [0..1] state (ValueSet: StateValueSet urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. DYNAMIC) (CONF:81-7293).

-Conformance After Update:

a. If the country is US, the state element is required but SHOULD have @nullFlavor if the state is unknown. If country is not specified, it's assumed to be US. If country is something other than US, the state MAY be present but MAY be bound to different vocabularies (CONF:81-10024).

Further explanation:


Change Request Status = Closed (ccda-issue-189): CS-20180326 Validation problem for @use in addr
TypeChange RequestStatusChange Request Status = Closed PriorityNormal
Current Labels
 (CS) Customer Support 
Tracking / Status = Closed 2018-07-02 23:08:09: Tracking by Lisa Nelson
We confirmed that this file validated and no longer had this error.

Here is the permalink showing that the error was no longer present.

Tracking / Status = Open 2018-03-26 23:12:29: Tracking by Lisa Nelson
Add a label.
Assignment2018-03-26 18:09:18: Assigned To Lisa Nelson by Lisa Nelson
Tracking / Status = Open 2018-03-26 18:09:17: Tracking by Lisa Nelson

-unexpected error when attempting to validate an Unstructured Document using the Sequoia C-CDA R2.1 validator.  It is requiring that the patient address (/ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/patientRole/addr) contain a “use” attribute.  However, this attribute is not required by the C-CDA R2.1 spec


File Name             UnstructuredDocument_CCDA_R2-1.xml


Schematron :       N/A (Version N/A)

Schematron Validation Result :     N/A

Validation Date :                3/23/18 11:41:39 PM (CET GMT+0100)

Model Based Validator :  HL7 - C-CDA R2.1 - Meaningful Use Stage 3 (Version N/A)

Model Based Validation Result :    FAILED   SC

Permanent link : https://gazellecontent.sequoiaproject.org/EVSClient/detailedResult.seam?type=CDA&oid=

Data Visibility :  Private - Owned By kstevenson / DOD


The “use” attribute is not required.  It is required to have a value from the PostalAddressUse ValueSet only if present.


The Validator should allow either no “use” attribute, or if present it must be from the specified valueSet.

Further explanation:


I can see that the template for US Realm Address says the @use is optional, so I don’t see why the validator would be requiring it.
I agree with the submitter's assessment. The validator should not be requiring the @use attribute to be present, but if present, it must use the specified value set.

This should be fixed.

Change Request Status = Closed (ccda-issue-205): CONF: 81-7291 Incorrect Conformance Error
TypeChange RequestStatusChange Request Status = Closed PriorityNormal
Current Labels
 (CARD) Cardinality Question 
Tracking / Status = Closed 2019-11-21 16:43:09: Tracking by Administrator
Structure Definitions (External repositories)